Grade received: 95% Problem C1 This program converts temperature in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. */ #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main (void) { double celsius, fahrenheit; cout << "Enter a temperature in Celsius: "; cin >> celsius; fahrenheit = celsius * 9/5 + 32; I lost points for not making this a 'const' declaration cout << setprecision(1) << fixed; cout << "Celsius: " << setw(8) << celsius << endl; cout << "Fahrenheit: " << fahrenheit << endl; return 0; } /* Execution results: Enter a temperature in Celsius: 37.778 Celsius: 37.8 Fahrenheit: 100.0 Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 5.456 s Press any key to continue. Enter a temperature in C...
Grade received: 100% Problem B1 This program demonstrates the close relationship between characters and numbers. */ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char letter; int number; double decimalNumber; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> letter; number = letter; decimalNumber = number; cout << "Letter: " << letter << endl; cout << "Number: " << number << endl; cout << "Decimal Number: " << decimalNumber << endl; return 0; } /* Execution results: Enter a character: a Letter: a Number: 97 Decimal Number: 97 Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 41.508 s Press any key to continue. Enter a character: A Letter: A Number: 65 Decimal Number: 65 Process returned 0 (0x0) execution ti...